Now Changeable

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  Another dry treatise this is not. Let's make it fun.
Upon a foundation a structure is built, and that foundation better be strong and level or the structure will fall, or whatever is built within the structure will tilt, lean, and sag. Any carpenter knows this, any concrete worker, any installer of windows or doors. That foundation better be straight and level. 

San Francisco is like this

Yunqing Leo-

     The same is true on the spiritual side of life, which is all life. It runs on an even keel. There is no room for error in the blueprint. There is a plan and that which unfolds follows a pattern. This is a dry treatise, isn't it?
    (Sorry. Have to illustrate the point) 
The foundation never varies, tryin' to say. But that which is built upon the foundation can be, could be, and is anything. 
    Now whether it lasts is due to the builder, for each builder creates differently. There are things constructed that stand the test of time, and there are things constructed that don't. Yet the foundation stands unaffected. What is this foundation?

The foundation we're describing could be thought of as the 'Laws Of Physics', but it is actually more than that. This foundation is that which keeps the laws of physics intact, in this realm, in this dimension, for the laws of physics here are not the same laws that apply in other places- which are impossibly far away and wouldn't make any sense to you if you were able to go and visit them. So let's stay here.
     Here, the laws of physics are based on that which is called 'love'. Love is the constant, the foundational principle. All that is aligned with it stands. That which is not aligned with it crumbles. Over time, it crumbles for that which is contrary to the laws of love cannot rest upon its foundation, that foundation being constructed upon the principles of allowance, harmony, and balance. Simple concepts, but precise in their manner of expressing.

Wow now that’s a bouquet.

Thomas William-

Let's not get too obtuse.... 
    Some would say that love is a pushover, that it actually means that anything goes, is allowed, like an ever-forgiving mom or dad. Not......!
     Within the parameters of the energy of love is a vibration which, like a magnet, draws all into compliance with its energy. But the energy of love doesn't forcefully 'override'. It compels, draws, beckons, and entrains. Things naturally fall into alignment with this number one force in the universe and that's why all else that is built that might appear to stand contrary to the force of love stands only for for a time. It eventually will succumb, for love is all. Its qualities are paramount.