Now Changeable

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(As was received….. ….with the usual corrections here and there. Hope it helps. The Author.)

      Don't be dissuaded by the naysayers of the world that say this or that can't be done for it all can be done. After all, you are the masters of the universe- in training. 
     What else would be the purpose of your existence? You are not here to while away your days in comfort, though many of you try, seeing that as your highest goal. Rather, instead, uhm... can this be put? "Let's get real". Put away all the half-baked notions of why you're here and what's it all about. Isn't it sort of obvious? You're the most fragile creatures in a physical world, you're barely self aware and incapable of survival when others are very aware and self sufficient at birth (or very shortly thereafter). Added to that, you alone out of all of the other life forms actually take the time to read books and study, which none of the other life forms do. They learn through direct experience and play. 
Yeah, they eat raw meat and other disgusting things but that's why you're here. To learn from them, for they have a secret to share with you about your place in the order of things, in the cosmos. 
     That aside, which is frightfully deep, thank God that your understanding of this takes place over time (and hardly in one lifetime). You come back again and again, building your skill set, like in University. The goal is not so much to produce highly trained specialists but instead well-rounded grads who take their higher education out into the world (and eventually, the worlds), using unique and individually gained knowledge for the betterment of all. 
     Why else would you be here? To game the system, retire at thirty, and die a premature and purposeless death due to over-consumption of some kind or another?

“Hello. What? You’re not telepathic?”

Marek Szturc-

     The happiest people in this world are the ones that give back. It feeds their soul. As well, it gives them something to do! Balance is then achieved. Lopsided lives, well, they can be fun for awhile but they're ultimately lonely and sad distortions of the truth of being. But how are you going to know all that? By experience! You don't have to eat badly prepared food if you don't want to, and you don't have to play out any experience until the bitter, scandalous, or noxious end. You can give up the wrong road at any time. Not by retracing your steps back to the beginning but by choosing to step off the path you're on for another. 
     It really is that simple. 
    Life was never meant to be complicated. Only mankind has made it so. Flip the channels on TV any night of the week to find any number of preachers instructing their students, many of whom are grown adults, on how to live. Still! 
     Listen to the nudges of nondenominational Spirit when all around you is confusion and your mind can't figure out which way to proceed. Spirit will never steer you wrong because Spirit only has one agenda- returning you to wholeness by the most direct route possible. But don't worry- there's no set time frame on finishing the curriculum.

If you want to linger somewhere(s) along the way, fine! Slow learners won't be penalized by having to take out student loan after student loan as all tuition is gratis and course materials are happily provided. But just be aware that since everything is connected, students that have chosen to advance have affected the vibration of the whole and are quickening things and that is occurring now. Wallowing in ignorance won't serve you as much as it once did. Be thankful that the process occurs slowly and allows for that, greatly has allowed for that, but comes a time when enough people wanna get on the train that leaves Disfunctional Town.