Sage Team
"Brring! Brring!" rang the phone. I picked it up and looked. This one hadn't been on my caller ID for awhile.
"Sage Team" I answered. "Can I help you?"
"Yeah, this is Frank Billingsley over at A1 Property Management. I wonder if you could help us with one of our units"
"Go on"
"Our condo properties over at Wentworth Estates experience great turnover but lately we've been having trouble renting out a particular unit"
"Tell me more. I need details, if you could"
"Well... (I sensed a little hesitation, as if Frank didn't want to spill, but I knew already what was coming) ...I know you guys stress that we have to do our homework more, and really screen these applicants, but in the vacation rental business if you don't let 'em book it right away onto the next page they go. That's how we roll and most of the time that works pretty good for us. Trouble with this particular unit is, after the last long term renters left no matter how we list it it just sits vacant three fourths of the time. People book it for a night, maybe two at most. We also get a lot of 'em second guessing us and canceling before any penalty can be applied!"
"I understand and you don't need to elucidate further, er, 'talk more'. Do you want the usual clearing, or do you want our upgraded service?"
"Hate to spend the extra dough but you guys are worth it. I think in this case, send in the upgrade. I got pressure on me to get investor return on this unit"
"Give us about an hour to assemble. Will that be enough?"
"Yeah, the regular cleaners will be outta there by then, and the new renter isn't due until tomorrow. We had to list it at a scandalously low rate just to get a bite"
"Alright. Door open?"
"No, the cleaners will have locked it. My strict orders. Call me when you get there and I'll give you the key code".
Right after putting down my I-phone I tuned into the unit under discussion (as if I hadn't already!) and felt into the situation. Yeah. Lingering ugliness, sort of a pea soup green energy, was present throughout the condo. I made a few phone calls and my Saturday team was quickly ready, as they always are, Saturdays being one of our busiest days. I gave 'em the coordinates and we converged on Wentworth Estates' C212 unit under discreet cover, dressed like ordinary tourists, as usual.
Joan lit some white sage once she entered and carried the smoldering wand around the living room before Arnie and I ventured in. Both of us conferred what Joan had immediately felt- the heaviest area was located in the kitchen. Some was in the living room, and there were lesser amounts in the bathroom and sleeping area. Surprisingly, the outdoor deck felt relatively clear. Perhaps they hadn't used it.
A drinker couple, elderly, had occupied this condo for three weeks. Depression energy permeated the unit. Along with the depression energy wafted similar low energy vibrations, these having to do with aberrations of mental and physical health, which were no match for the Sage Team.
After cleansing the unit with white sage, and holding crystals in key points of the unit while simultaneously chanting some healing prayers we had been taught by a Tibetan Shaman, we gathered around the kitchen table and cast a white light over it, and then over the entirety of the unit in all six directions, East, South, West, North, Above, and Below.
That done, there came some chants that we had learned and had used over and over in these situations, some of our chants having to do specifically with dispelling entitity attraction due to the overuse of alcohol. After doing that, Arnie chimed a singing bowl, Joan toned, and I shook a sacred rattle between making a series of rhythmic beats on a hand drum that had been specifically crafted for use in healing ceremonies.
Our final task was to encase the unit in gold light, which we did, just before leaving. I can't tell you how long the Sage Team was in this place. Our process takes as long as it takes.
Upon leaving we texted A1 and told them the unit was good to go and please give us any feedback they receive so that we can use our data for the highest good in upcoming situations. Frank quickly responded, texting us that the check for our services will arrive direct deposit (we call our checks 'angel donations').
We had another call to make, a large estate that had hosted some rather unsavory characters, at three o'clock. Before going there each of the Sage Team members dipped their hands and bare feet into pails of sea salt we had placed in the light of the last full moon, after which each member stood barefoot on the ground in a natural area and reconnected with the pure earth. Gotta recharge, you know. And recharge we did. The feeling we all shared was that this estate job was gonna be lucrative for us, but challenging in the extreme. Lots had gone on there, and pockets of dark energy were present
Nothing we couldn't handle but as always our motto at Sage Team is "Safety First! The number one priority is to NEVER bring the job home with us!".