Now Changeable

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An epochal conflagration

     When the monkeys run the zoo trouble brews everywhere. Truth isn't truth, there are alternatives to facts, lies issue forth to challenge that which is hidden in common sense plain sight. Who, exactly, is acting the fool?
    For only fools would attempt to sleight of hand millions upon millions, thinking that they just might be able to get away with it. 


Valmir Dzivielevski Jr.- 

     But it's all good, in a way. I foresee a roaring fire, burning all this rubbish into ash. This is necessary. Bring all of the skeletons out of the closet, drag out everything that has lying under the rug. Reach into dark corners to what has been festering there and wrench it out. Don't mind the cobwebs, because a lot of this is very, very old. 
     Daily come the revelations, which to some may seem bad news, and it is, but from another perspective it's just spring cleaning sort of stuff, even though fall is approaching. Doesn't matter the timing, so long as it is happening. 
     The way things are going, have been going, it looks like this is going to be a super spring cleaning. It's gonna be like none other because for some reason, now is the time the dirt and grime just has to be reckoned with. People are really motivated to get into things that have been put off for ages. It's weird- for many of the normally destitute of awareness miscreants around there is an underlying yet pervasive sense that this just might be their LAST season.

     The door is closing on desperate endeavors and behaviors, and when that door closes, it's gonna lock.