Ramifications. Deliberations. Investigations. Iterations. Explanations.
In every criminal case, there hangs over the defendant the possibility of being found guilty, and then the judge is given guidelines over applicable forms of remediation, corrective measures, that would bring the errant citizen into compliance with the law.
Most laws are people-created. Only some are physical laws, like gravity or the speed of light.
People created laws are mutable. Physical laws are immutable. They can't be changed.
So what makes people-created laws so contentious? Consequences. The level of remediation required in order to to gain compliance.
In ancient times, the level of remediation required was simple. Physical punishment. Quick and effective (and sometimes crippling). Getting kicked out of the tribe (ostracized), or being put to death. There were no prisons, none could be built or manned. Who was going to waste time on that?
'Modern' man though, decided that such forms of remediative correction were, while crowd gathering events, they were not exactly pleasing to witness. Wisdom of a sort had started to creep into the upper classes. Morals and ethics, codes of conduct, had been birthed there as preventative measures, these meant to curtail errant behavior before it hit the level where extreme measures had to be called upon.
If there were NO consequences to actions, there would be anarchy. Society, like a game, any game, is built on rules. When those rules are allowed to be eroded, when the fabric that society is built upon starts to fray around the edges, when behavior that normally wouldn't be tolerated is allowed, when consequences are not delivered, the result is that errant behavior is emboldened- and sometimes this is necessary! The law was too restrictive and nobody cared to follow it much anyway. A good example of this is if the speed limit is 30 and 95% of the populace is ignoring that, there is your answer to THAT law's acceptability. The populace has self-determined that it can function without that parameter in play and sets a new parameter in place, which is more or less followed by everyone. This is obvious, when it comes to traffic. But make the speed limit too high or the road too dangerous and have a few accidents occur, and lights are installed or traffic is slowed down somehow. Laws are never never perfect, but somebody has to make the call on what the correct speed should be by taking all factors into account.
Unfortunately, law breakers are unwilling to fit into parameters that would satisfy the operation of systems or enable predictable mean codes of behavior. Lawbreakers just HAVE to be outliers. If a law is in place, thery will break it. They seem to be born to break laws, and these kinds of people are the ones that cause headaches for everybody around and have the cops shaking their heads, judges too, because those folks tried, they even lowered the bar in hopes that that would be pleasing enough but no, trouble came and determined that that wasn't good enough for them.
I'm not saying that this is what is going to happen to the present administration but they are a case study in pushing the envelope if there ever was one. Backlash is coming. It's inevitable. Not only has the moral boundary been crossed, it has been stomped on and muddied, laughed about, and pee'd upon, figuratively, and this doesn't sit right with a lot of people. There might be some method in this madness, the jury is still out on that, but patience is wearing thin. Words are words, results speak far more, and if you think about it, there haven't been a lot of changes, have there? Lots of blustering and blather, but not a lot of change. And that's GOOD, some might say, and they'd be right. Measured change is better than revolution but the direction that this change has been flowing in hasn't been what a lot of people want to see and when that kind of thing is happening, the system is off kilter and out of balance. That's where we're at right now, I think, we're in that place where we're in an awkward stance, trying to find balance, but no way can it be achieved. We're leaning way too far in one direction and that direction is unsustainable. Danger lurks there, danger that many of us have experienced before, and we can feel it, so our prayers go out to righting this ship, because prayer is all we got left. No one at the top is listening or wants to listen to any other viewpoint and when that happens, it's reckless behavior because there's a whole 'nother side to the story, methinks a valid one, that isn't being paid attention to, because that many people can't be wrong, can they?
The piper is coming, the herald is going to blow his horn, and there will be consequences because nature, be it Mother or human, doesn't tolerate imbalance physically or psychically. Imbalance is an energy just as real as a brick, or a tree, or a car. Imbalance might teeter for a while, but it will totter and get stuck and cause the system to break down. The Game is best played back and forth, ying and yang, it has always been thus. There is a swing to things, because balance is perfection that is never achieved, only aimed for.
The swing is coming, it has to come. Let's just pray that it's not a Category 5 storm, only a gentle rain marking a definite change in season.