Old School Bossman
I demand loyalty but give none in return. I keep you at arm's length, then draw you near when I need you. But only for a while.
I can't be trusted to do what is in your best interest but can be completely trusted to act in mine.
If I falter, you will fall. If I gain, you may tag along, but only temporarily.
Your advice might be valuable to me, your labor, 'appreciated', your expertise, valued. For a time.
I seek to replace you. Always I am on the lookout for something or someone better. I do not have your back.
Should a better candidate come along, I'm not one to shy away from making a secret deal.
The closer you are to me, the more treacherous I am to you. The farther you are from me, the less I am able to affect you, though my policies may be far reaching and affect you in an indirect manner.
I seek to dominate, and will never allow myself to be dominated. I am Alpha. Nothing gets in my way that can't be dismantled, somehow.
You'd better watch out, because I'm coming. Always.
I'll get into your head, and stay there. I am toxic. I know how to be toxic.
I have no friends, only loads of enemies who would love to take me down, but they don't dare.
I am unpredictable and dangerous. Word comes to me that you might be plottting against me and I will attack.
If you go low, I will go lower. I can't be shamed or restrained, my inventiveness is unbounded, my cruelty unbridled. Don't cross my path.
My goal is to be on top, and once there, to stay on top by any means necessary. I will not be taken down quietly. Power makes me only more dangerous, and I will wield it with impudence.
I have no compassion, for compassion is for weaklings, in my estimation. I see the world only in black and white. Either I rule, or I plot to rule.
I love it when you think that you are better than me. I can then attack your vanity.
I love being me. I stare at myself in the mirrror and think the world of me. I am my greatest friend, yet I deplore myself for what I have become, which is the loneliest person imaginable. No one likes me. They only fear me.
I stop at nothing and go after everything, for I must have it all.
If you have it, I want it.
Whatever I gain is never enough. I must have it all. There I think I will find what I'm looking for, but I don't know what that is. To conquer all is my quest.
I AM the ivory tower. I distance myself from everybody. My way of getting attention is power, for I feel worthless without it. I look with utter contempt upon the powerless. How can those people possibly have any 'friends'?
People come to me on their knees, and I like that. Sitting upon my throne, I see nothing but subjects before me.
People that criticize me don't bother me in the least. I have no feelings to hurt and my pride won't be shadowed. I will not cower to the opposition, because cowering is for the weak.
My cup is always full, yet it is ever empty. I don't understand how that could be. The more power I grab, the less happy I am. I am miserable.
Blasphemy to me is when somebody takes MY name in vain. How could they be so misguided? I will set them straight.
When someone attacks me, I counterattack, and begin a campaign of relentlessly attacking my opponent, for I will never give in. You engage me, you reap the fullness of my wrath.
I am a problem, walking, talking, to everyone I encounter. They might not know it, but they will!
I study people and wonder "How can I get them to give me more power?". I notice that people like it when the powerful grant them favors. I will place myself in a position where I am able to do that. They will like that, and give me more power, so that I may grant more of their requests. Ultimately, I will have all the power. All will bow before me.
I am mob boss, general, CEO, president, prime minister, dictator, and king.
I have no lovers, only objects which I desire, then cast aside until I need them again. Some call me cold. I don't know what that is for I have no comprehension of feelings.
I am a winner. My loser subjects only live to serve me.
I will not be contained, yet loneliness envelops me, and I cannot escape it. Ever tighter wraps the cloak of aloneness around me, distancing me from everything I own and see. This pain will be my undoing, in time.
I am ego.