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The Godfather, Part IV

     OMG I may need an intervention because I can't stop watching the situation in D.C.! It has nearly all the elements that Hollywood employs to pique your interest. I don't even need to list them because anybody who even glances at the news right now is following this story too. It's a slow motion playout, a 'simmering' (but not in a sexual way) drama containing the Playahs of our time. Oligarchs, a porn star, POTUS, his lieutenants, his muscle, the FBI, man I can't wait for the next installment, and the media delivers it to me the moment it happens. 
     I know there's another world out there, a much bigger and more peaceful one, where not a lot is going on but who wants to watch that when this engrossing soap opera, this telenovela is on? Here we have the patriarch, his seemingly distant and conflicted present wife, various kids and their intrigues; his businesses, their businesses, his (former) lovers, but where's MOMMA in all this? There's no Momma! And Mother's Day is right around the corner! 
    In the telenovelas I've (briefly) watched, Poppa appeared to be the one who had the final say, because somebody has to have the final say, and that's usually the man in Latin culture, isn't it? Patriarchical. Momma deftly held the 'familia' together. She provided the neccessary balance and without her input, her wisdom, the family members charged off on many times reckless pursuits and put the whole thing in jeopardy. 

Augusto Navarro-

     But this ain't no balanced situation. This is The Godfather. Poppa is running the syndicate solo and has trouble encroaching on all sides. How long can he stay on the throne? Who around him will be asked to fall on their sword next? It's almost painful to watch, the suspense is too much sometimes. One thing is for sure, THIS Godfather is pulling out all the stops. There is nothing that he won't do to protect his position. 
    When and if he stumbles, there isn't any Number Two within a country mile that can step in, which is just the way he likes it. I think that is bad strategy- any Momma around wouldn't approve, because her focus would be on the longevity of the family- but Poppa POTUS is headstrong in this regard. He imagines he is the only one capable to lead. 
      There's nothing else like this. It contains components of Game Of Thrones, The Wire, and Breaking Bad. it's I, Claudius (without Livia). You name it it's in there somewhere. 
    Who's WRITING this script?