Now Changeable

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But, Seriously...

      As the call goes out for less thinking across this great land I propose a radically different approach. More thinking!
     Now by 'thinking' I mean contemplation, but that might be too big a word to start with, because the populace seems to have dumbed down some, so let's stay with thinking for now. When the great orange one throws out generalities as answers to problems, perhaps it might be then time to demand actual specific responses to issues? Ya think? Or would that be asking too much? Because as you know, managers can drone on and on without giving answers until you zone out at the conference table, start daydreaming about doughnuts, then at the conclusion of the meeting you can't remember a dang thing about what was said because nothing really was said or accomplished, except wasting your time, which used to be valuable. 
     Anyway, pick a subject, any subject that interests you, get knowledgeable about it and THEN compare what the experts, so-called, are saying about it, doing about it, and a whole new world opens up! Because now you're not one of the uninformed constituents, you are knowledgeable and can't be so readily deceived. Sidetracked. Bamboozled. Herded. 

Saskia Fairfull-

     I know this may be a lot to ask, tearing you away from whatever seems to be more important, so you gotta set priorites. Ach- I sound like a teacher. But, seriously....'s a fine mess We The People have gotten ourselves into and so we gotta put our thinking caps on now, because we're being asked to put them on less. Think-while you still can! Ach- sounds like I'm sending out a call for action. 

     Which I am, because I think (actually contemplate), which is what you too can do too, as nascent ('recently having come into existence') thinkers, at some point when you choose to w-e-a-n yourselves away from the ones who claim to have done all the thinking for you so you can relax and see what's happenin' with The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills, or who's frantically running around the supermarket at Guy's Grocery Games, or what the latest Dope $h!t videos are. 
     But, here's the good news- you can still go there. After you've thought a little about things you can always turn the TV back on and that sort of programming will be present. A good starter question for nascent thinkers might be "Why is there never anything on TV?"