Now Changeable

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      I don't know if I have any gypsy blood in me but I do know this. When I am done with something I am done. Just this morning I woke up and thought "I am done", this coming after a series of events- dreams, feelings, a recent bout of extreme sickness, and the overall sense that what I have been doing for the last three years has run its course- (but I wasn't supposed to know that until this morning). 
     You could say that my being where I am and doing what I have been doing has been a setup. I truly believed that where I was at in life was The End, but no, I misinterpreted that. It was the end of a chapter! Now all sensor readings indicate that I am about to make a ninety degree turn. I actually have initiated the process of doing that, and having done this sort of thing many times before, I know how to do it. 
      My life has been like living in a MASH unit, ready to bug out at a moment's notice but Spirit is more elegant than the military and when I actually do bug out it will be an eased transition for the forces of synchronicity are with me. I know this sounds INCREDIBLY arcane, but it is at the same time incredibly obvious to me because once you get the download that you're done, you're DONE (and it's on to the next thing). 

Dion Tavenier-

     I've left behind a lot of people in my day, people that thought I was like them, stable, fixed, settled (and stuck, I guess, too). Before bailing I tried to tell them the best way I could that I had to go and they kind of understood, in their way, which was all I could do given their understanding of how things work. Heck, we'll meet again, in some other time, place, or space. I KNOW we will. Relax!  
     But, unlike my leaving times in the technologically ancient past, I can stay in touch a lot easier now, should I choose to exercise that ability. You can't really go anywhere on this planet and not be in touch anymore. It is very easy to make a Skype phone call, you know. So....... ...guess I'll know where the hell I am going when I get that part of the picture, which I haven't got yet.
     "Wait! You tell me you are going to go and you don't even know where you're going?!"
     "Yes. That's what happens when you are DONE" 
      "What will you do?"
      "I don't know"
      "How will you live?"
      "I will. But as to the particulars....."
       "This is crazy!"
      "I know. You have to have a lot of trust. The fact that I clearly understood that I was DONE tells me all that I need to know. I wouldn't have gotten THAT without having previously developed a high degree of understanding, coupled with trust"
       The rest will happen when it happens.