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Royal Wedding

       Lots of tears are going to be shed in Britan today. Some will be tears of joy but a lot of them will be shed for another reason as the commoners watch the royals pass by. The commoners will get a glimpse of paradise but alas, that paradise won't be for them. 
       Common folk in Britan have to toil and labor to make ends meet, just like anywhere else. They drive the cabs, teach the schoolkids, work in the factories, and staff the halls of government in some sort of public service capacity but n'er do the Royals soil their hands and that's what all that secondary crying will be about. 

Church Of The King-

         Sure, being a royal comes with a few burdens not bestowed upon the commoners. Royals are continuously scrutinized by the press, are restricted to certain lavishly appointed areas, and must be on their best behavior at all times. But I think the average commoner facing a Monday might without much forethought jump at the chance to join the royal family, if such a remote possibility existed. 
         And here we have such a long shot on public display, Meghan Markle, an American actress, divorced, of mixed race, and while not exactly poor like Cinderella she's somehow been able to move in the right circles and catch the eye of Prince Harry. Now she's in.
         Never have to do HER own laundry again! 
         So welcome her into the family, Brits. She'll be waving at you commoners from a balcony somewhere for the rest of your lives, constantly reminding you how happy she is not to be you but maybe some solace in this is that she seems to be a good person, her husband too, and they might actually use their positions to do some good in the world. 
         Harry's brother Prince William and his wife Kate are doing the family proud, what with three kids produced. Harry and Meghan- you'll be on the baby train soon too. The Queen mum will love you for it because I don't think she wants to see Prince Charles on the throne. 

King S Church International-

          Prince William and his wife look like the stellar couple, don't they? I can't say they have accomplished anything noteworthy so far but they make for a great photo op and methinks that after baby time is over William is going to kick in and make his mark. He'll be doing this carefully though, because he's under the tall shadow of Queen Elizabeth and she still rules. Quite a presence, that one. 
          Over here in America, we have a brash, rude, and uncultured lout at the helm who would like to be regarded with reverence and honor like the Queen is but that ain't gonna happen. You can take the man out of Jersey but you can't take the Jersey out of the man. I say this because even though our 'guiding light' is from Manhattan he acts and talks like a Jersey hood. Sure, he gets white glove treatment at the his house but that is because of his position. The Royals get white glove because they were BORN royal. Big difference there. Or, they married into it and thus, voila! As if touched by a magic wand, they BECAME royal! 
     Take solace in this though, Brits. The Royals may be a drain on the tax coffers in some eyes but the Queen mum knows that the royal show brings more money in than goes out. Have you ever been to England? The place is simply crawling with tourists! Damn island is like a giant, real life theme park. So much has happened in that little country that there is something there to see for everyone. The royals are part of that legacy, part of the show, but they're not in the past, like much of the sights in England are. The royals are history in real time. They might not ever be visible, but they're THERE. Somewhere. Behind a hedge, on the other side of a wall, past a gate, at the end of a long driveway. 
     So, Godspeed Harry and Meghan. Do your part, make some babies, be the new royals. I think there is some magical fairy dust in William and Harry's genes that was bestowed upon them by their mother, Princess Diana. Her progeny are bound to do something good in the world. Can't you just feel it?