Now Changeable

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The Griswolds

     Sooooo many families on the bus yesterday, and sooo little time to interview them. Ships passing in the night, we are. These families seem cookie-cutter normal but I know that there is a whole lot more under the surface. On they come one after another after another, from who knows where. They've all chosen to spend some time on our little island and had I the time, I'd like to know a little more about them. "Where are you folks from"?" I'd ask, and off we'd go.

Tobias A. Muller-

     "Oh, St. Louis! I've been there once. And what do you do?" Oh- he's IR manager for Missouri Healthcare Systems and you're..... a physical therapist at Humana West!
     Indeed. And who are the little ones here? Traci and Josh. How cute. Five and three, you say? How long have you lived in St Louis? Only a few years! Where did you live before? In California! Where? I'm familiar with Cali. In Santa Barbara? Oh, I meant northern Cal. Not so familiar with the southern part. Is Santa Barbara where you are originally from? You say you were born there but Mr. Griswold was born in Tasmania. His parents moved to New Guinea when he was a teen, uh huh, they were in the military....   ..that would explain your husband's tribal tatoo. Then, after serving with the Australian secret service, your husband's father was transferred.......
      (Mrs. Griswold interrupts, adds some further information)

Dylan Nolte-

     ....oh, I see. His father had adopted a pagan religion after his time in Guinea and had no interest in so-called 'modern' medicine. Mr. Griswold-Peter-you say, had to study in secret and keep his medical journals stashed under the bed? And you, -Ann- is it? You were able to pursue your medical interests unhindered? How interesting! You actually had no desire to be a therapist, you were busy running the Eastside car wash/espresso bar and injured yourself, slipping near a pylon at wash bay six? It was that incident that brought you to physical therapy, and once there you discovered that hospitals were your real calling. You found that you bonded with the disabled and had a knack for.......
     Oh! We're here. Enjoy your vacation!