Now Changeable

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In a most undramatic fashion

     Rain has been falling overnight, a gentle, soft, steady rain, nuturing the ground and the plants that grow in it. The extra water gathers in streams which feed into rivers, those rivers running towards the sea. Next to the streams and the rivers is the highway with the cars and trucks, they made of steel, plastic, and rubber, and running mostly on gas or diesel, some on electricity. The highway winds through the town and all the buildings there, and that is where most of the people gather to work, shop, and perhaps play some. The people in the city see the rain as a bother, mainly, and complain about it, cover themselves against it, and wish it would stop.

Reza Sheyestehpour-

       No wind accompanies this rain so it feels rather muggy, and that too is necessary for the plants, so the water can absorb into the ground, but the impatient people want the wind to pick up and blow the clouds away and for the sun to return, which makes them happier than the gray skies they're witnessing and the dismal interiors of the buildings they frequent which now need extra artificial light.
      Were humans able to control the weather there would be less rainy days like this one. The rain would always fall at night and NEVER on a weekend. The wind would never blow hard enough to sweep things away, and the sun would never bake. Everything would be just right. But the rain is smarter than the people and knows that to keep this terrarium called earth functioning correctly episodes of wind, rain, sun, (and even occasional fire) are necessary.
     So, drip away, rainy day! I'm okay with mud on my shoes.