Now Changeable

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Next gen comin' up

     Seeing as I'm on my sixth? seventh? eighth? ninth? lifetime in this lifetime, so many strange and varied experiences have I had, it's interesting to see the younger ones of the human family coming into their own and witness how they're handling/interpreting these accelerated times.

     They seem to have an innate knack for handling computers, tablets, cell phones, and the like. With ease they incorporate into their days the vast amounts of data at their fingertips and shrug about it as if to say "What?!"

Hal Gatewood-

     Where their minds are at I cannot fathom for they seem to be in a group mindset that is unknown to me, something that my generation did not and could not share. They seem to have arrived 'pre-wired' with an upgraded operating system. Am I wrong in this assumption? Certainly they are adept at many new ways of doing things.
     What is interesting is how seamlessly they seem to incorporate any developing technology and have not a clue how life used to be without it. This is the base upon which they continuously build their version of reality and it is quite interesting to watch. What are they doing with these new tools? How are they exploiting technology? Some have entered the world of online gaming, some have become digital djs, some have explored different ways of making art, some have used the tools to travel and produce drone videos of areas of the planet from perspectives that nobody has seen before, some are experimenting with food and creating new food combinations, some are producing craft beers, distilled products, or organic food offerings from sustainable local farms, many of them are creating apps and algorithms and whatnot using the vast amounts of digital data (and answering the equally vast demand) that exists in the global marketplace.
      It's their time to express, create, capture audiences, and celebrate around the table while the old fogeys, set in their ways, watch and grumble. Old people are jealous, see? They want to be twenty again and have those hopes and dreams in the conversation drowning out talk of looming expiration dates. 

Verne Ho-

     So go, young people, and I'll try to keep up with you because I don't want to listen to geezer talk any more than you do. Change is the only constant in the universe and while I do like to be comfortable I'll never say no to a better future. If you can, though, on behalf of the oldsters, restrain yourselves from overcrowding the planet, keep the construction hours at eight to five (and never on weekends, if possible) and PUL-EEZE limit the device updates.