Now Changeable

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Chaos theory

      Right now there seems to be a lot of instability in different areas of the national and global environment, while in other areas stability rules. In the matters concerning instability, at what point, I wonder, do the structures give way? How much stress can organizations withstand? How much responsiveness to meet the latest challenge can affected systems absorb? Will the stalwart within those systems continue to hold up those structures, or will the ones standing in the wings step up?
     Is anybody leading this thing, that thing, and if there is leadership, what are its motives? Are the motives of leadership at cross purposes, or are there other plans, the kinds of plans that you don't want to know about vs. the kinds that you do?

Shane Rouse-

     Why must there be chaos? Is it artificially manufactured and maintained, there by grand design, or is it just occurring?
     What is normal, once there has been exposure to chaos? It becomes hard to judge, for the playing field has expanded. What happens to the people exposed to chaos? Do some welcome it and play with it while others become battered and traumatized, and can those so affected recover and become tougher, or do they just check out until its over?
     Does stress drop away at some point, the point beyond numbness, exasperation, physical capacity, mental reasoning and logical adaptability, when the framework upon which reality is based collapses? Where is the 'locus', when the dust clears, the point at which you can say "This is the center, this is real, this is the ground upon which the new structure will be built and the cornerstone eventually laid?"
    Until then, the pot is being stirred and much is swirling, like inside that tornado in the Wizard of Oz, houses drifting by, animals, Aunt Em, Uncle Henry ......
     We are DEFINITELY not in Kansas anymore, people!