Now Changeable

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Goodness Gracious Great Balls Of Fire

      There's a whole lot of prayin' goin' on. 
     Can't help noticing that there is a lot of huddling that I'm seeing lately and I don't know what to make of it. Is this for real? Are they actually praying, or are they just pretending to pray so they fit in with the people around 'em? How can you tell? If you just stand there, or sit there, looking like a five year old making a birthday wish before blowing out the candles, who can read anything but piety in your countenance?
      Way I see it, God must be a very busy uh, 'man'. 'Cause what the people are praying for, in a lot of these instances, could very well be be at odds with what other people want. I'm not going to take sides here either way, I'm just observing, going to be scientific about it. So, if what people are praying for is different, and there's only one God that they're praying to, how does God answer that?
     Does he look over at this group over here and count the number of people in the building, and make his determination based on the size of the crowd? Does he look at how politcally connected the people praying to him are and reckon "Those folks there represent a lot of people. I'm going to swing things their way"
     Does he take all the prayers into consideration and then make a ruling, like a judge, where one side wins and the other loses?
     Does he act like King Solomon and just cut the issue down the middle, and give half to each party?

William Krause-

    Does he turn up the volume on his stereo to drown out all the voices pleading for help, procrastinate, only listen to certain prayers, or is he on call 24/7/365 instantly whisking angels down to those praying, giving them exactly what they need? To proceed?
    Now I've heard that God is pretty wise. Smartest being ever. That's how he got to BE God, if you think about it. Anyway, I also heard that we are his subjects, like a king has subjects, and he wants us all to get along and be happy. "Ain't that right, God?"
      You can talk to him like that, he doesn't mind. He knows you're as a little child. Never takes it personal. 

Ben White-

     What if God, though, wasn't singular? What if there was more than one? Whoa! Got a lot of pushback there, right away. Science, remember? 
     Geez, people can be so touchy! One of the things in life I have learned is that everybody seems to think they know who and what God is, and they can get pretty darn riled if you don't think the same way. There is a lot at stake here, and the main thing seems to be that God has to be on their side. 
     Who WOULDN'T want God on their team? You'd win-    

     every     single     time.