The Thinker
It has come to my attention, after a lot of inquiry into things, to be aware, very aware, of what I am thinking each and every day. Thoughts create, is my belief, and there is no escape. Whatever you focus your attention on matters, personally, and then collectively.
Now some would say that this is not so, that they can think whatever they want and who the hell am I to say they can't and probably worse things but, the law is the law, and as a cop once not so patiently explained to me, ignorance of the law is no excuse.
For I, in the way back times of my life, was one of those rebel dudes, I thought and thought whatever I wanted. There was nobody there to stop me. I'll do what I want! Everybody else seemed to be doin' it, so why not? Never in any company I ever worked for was there an admonishment by top brass to curb one's thinking, but they might have been hinting at something when they posted signs like 'Think Safety" or "Work Safely", stuff like that. But I don't think they were onto anything deeper. Less injuries keeps insurance costs low was what all that kind of 'focusing' was about.
Outside of work, in the neighborhoods, it was think whatever you want time. It was preposterous to even think (there's that word again!) that any harm whatsoever could come from thinking. Thinking WAS freedom of speech. It went without saying that if you could SAY whatever you wanted, thinking was given equally free reign. You were sovereign in that regard. You may have been restrained by your physical, financial, or educational status, but when it came to speech and thought, you could go ANYWHERE.
And I did. A lot. But, being a curious kind of person, and coming into this world holding a suspicion that all was not what it seemed, I began to exercise my thinking ability in a different way. I wondered about really arcane stuff, and searched for books on the most esoteric subjects. Over much time, a different understanding of how things might actually be working evolved and wouldn't you know it, thinking was heavily involved! Under the rug of reality, as 'reality' was being presented, and hidden in 'reality's' dusty corners, was the (heh heh) 'operating system' for the original computer. The mind.
But you don't have to go to any spooky old library to find this sort of information, and I never did. The libraries I frequented weren't nearly as cool as the one above. They were modern, utilitarian, and rather plain. The picture is just there for show, to illustrate how information like this is supposedly hidden. It's not.
Jane Robert's book 'The Nature Of Personal Reality' was kind of where I started. I followed that thread, that lead, but that book is now very old and in fifty more years would probably fit right into the library above. There are any number of newer books out there that you can download on your 'mobile device' and read while in a hammock on a shady porch.