Now Changeable

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Finchley, Criswell, & Paxton, ESQ (and....)

     "Time to lawyer up!" 
     Time to WHAT? I'm sorry, but that's a little (in fact way) out of my league. I don't 'lawyer up', and neither do most people. We're not juggling multiple lawsuits or denying allegations or propping up our reputations by any means necessary. How do the people that have 'legal teams' do it? How can they find the TIME?
     The last thing I want to be doing is sitting in their shoes but they appear to be unrealistically nonchalant about the messes they're in. Normal life to them, I guess, just a cost of doing business, but I know (or at least think I do, have heard, it is commonly known) that lawyers are EXPENSIVE. Just one! And they're talking about hiring the BEST ones.
     Denny Crane to the rescue!  (Leave Perry Mason out of it, not in his league)
     Which brings up another topic, quite related, and that is that the finer points of the law are subject to much speculation.  

Pulkit Jain-

     Congress passes laws. States do too. Municipalities. Authority figures. Employers. The damn Boy Scouts. 
     Flaunting the law seems to be 'de rigueur' in these weird times. A cavalier attitude towards it prevails, and influencers (lawyers) are there to help achieve their brash client's ends in front of juries and judges and counsels and whatnot and am I the only one confused by all this? 
      Pundits on TV argue 'for this' and 'against that' as if the law was something NOT set in stone but still in its formative stages. Existing laws MUST be changed, and newer laws MUST be enacted in their place. Right this minute! Nobody agrees on anything as the weary world watches and sighs "There must be a better way!"
    Who's the captain of the ship? Mutiny is all around while Queeg holes up in his quarters planning his next desperate move. "Enough of this already!" many say, but who is listening? The shouts of the mutineers drown out any voices of reason and common sense has gone on a overly long vacation. Battle is going to settle this and no other method shall be employed. Hurry, before the foe reaches the high ground! Repel the attack and launch a counteroffensive! Just like the olden days, this is, 'cept it's not troops fighting one another this time, it's LAWYERS.