Now Changeable

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Wingin' It

     Trust is sitting down at the keyboard and not having a clue about what you are going to write. There isn't a hint of a thread to follow at present. Let's see where trust takes me......
     The other day, at sunset, I was looking out the window and listening to the birds. It was very, very quiet, and the only sound to be heard, other than the birds, was the rising and falling of the wind as it passed through the trees. I could also faintly hear, at one point, the 'beep beep beep' of a truck backing up somewhere in the distance, then that went away. 
     The clouds near the horizon, just to the right of the setting sun, moved silently and slowly towards the south, while a patch of higher clouds above them gave the backdrop for a beautiful orange reflection as the sun slowly sank towards the horizon.
     This was a good 'un, I immediately ranked this sunset at about an 8.5.

Gautier Salles-

     About this time you would think that profound thoughts about the meaning of life and one's place on the planet would slip in but no, what was going on in my mind was watching and observing, mainly, but not commenting much. There was still some activity, though (always is). 
     Overlaying our everyday busyness is THIS, which some call nature. I see it also as the rhythm of the planet. She is slow, steady, methodical, patient, benevolent (mostly), powerful, awe inspiring, gentle (usually), steady, supportive, quiet, undemanding, giving, there. 
     Wow. You just forget, you know? Sunset reminds you, reminded me, of something else too, in fact a lot of somethings. Time. That's a big one. Space, another. Deeper than deep, THIS stays in the background most of the time, especially during the bright, noisy, and busy parts of the day but sunrise and sunset, now that's different.
     I watched and watched, this sunset called for attention! The orange gave way to crimson, deeping shadows started creeping in around the edges, the crimson gradually turned to gray, and then it was over. What am I supposed to do with THIS? Put it in my pocket? Save it somewhere? A photo, a video, a memory?
     Can't, didn't, wouldn't, couldn't. It was meant to be witnessed but not preserved. 
     Krishnamurti said something in one of his many books about the fragility of life, how death is required so that we can treasure life. Sunset provides contrast like that. The day ends, and when it does, baby, it ENDS. There's no arguing that. Darkness floods in, the beach clears, let's pack it in and go watch Netflix or something. Ain't gonna be no more light. 
     Sunrise then comes, some hours later, and "Yea!" we get another day to experience, like that it goes...  ...experiencing whatever the new day brings, appreciating what we can of it, and then TOTALLY-  that is key here- letting go of it when it's over. This is what is asked of us in the physical.