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Peace on earth?

     Is the goal of all futurists but the reality of peace on earth is that it is going to put a lot of people out of a job. We're so wildly inefficient as a race now that bringing this planet into harmonious interaction is going to eliminate all military forces, for what would be the use of those anymore? Goverments would be greatly reduced in size, especially court systems, as there would be compliance with the law nearly everywhere and not that many people would be needed to enforce laws. Travel would most likely increase, so there would be jobs in tourism, and employment in the arts would explode, because peace on earth would give all of us loads of free time. If you wanted to spend 10,000 hours (the time it is said for you to become incredibly proficient at anything) you would have it, I suppose. This is all conjecture, to be sure, but peace on earth would have the people writing screenplays and novels scrambling for subject matter as all the melodramas we currently experience would be greatly reduced and so minor anymore as to seem quaint. 

Daiwei Lu-

     Would there be a backlash to this degree of quietude, would a faction rise up to provide the human race with stock car races, frat parties, and rock concerts where the best actors/singers of our time emoted for us problems that are long gone and almost unknown by the present generation? Would there be an interest in that sort of stuff anymore or would it seem extraordinarily disruptive and harsh? Would men still be men, and women be able to express all aspects of themselves?
     Trouble and strife provide necessary catalyst for growth, look at any plant weathering the elements. It competes for resources and space, animals can eat it, bugs can attack. Are we so smart now that we can devise methods to eliminate all growth-spurring elements from our environments and turn the entire planet into a park? (England has already accomplished this as a country).

Ali Yahya-

     Yeah, I know there are still places on this orb where there are landmines and bombs falling but when that ends and it's cleaned up us peacemongers are movin' in. What then? Good question. We're going to be hard pressed to sell this place to any visiting alien cultures looking for a little excitement. Maybe they'll just carry on to the Deltak system. Word is there's trouble there.