Now Changeable

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     I am irresponsible, a train wreck in the making. I am ego.
     I can't be bothered to do the right thing, but can always be counted on to do the wrong thing.
     'Me first' is my motto, and to hell with everybody else.
     Wherever I go, I bring trouble, and wherever I've been, I've left sorrow behind.
     Where I go next is up to me. Always up to me, for I turn on a dime and spin on a whim.
     You won't see me coming but you'll know when I'm here!
      I can't be bothered- but I will bother you.
     Many people call me names. Let 'em.
     Where would you be without me? All peaceful and whatnot. That's why I'm here. I'm here to stir things up, upset the apple cart, and strew wreckage all around. Like it or not, I'm here.
     And I won't stay to clean up the mess.
     You can count on that.

Samuel Zeller-

     Where I go next is unpredictable, and known only to me, for I do not foreshadow my arrival.
     There are many renditions of me, and I hate them all. Competitors!
     Time is my enemy. I'm never at rest. Can I steal some of yours? I will if I can.
      I'm the winner with all the toys at the end, probably some of yours.
      Who can stop me for I will stop at nothing.
      Shame is not in my dictionary, and I don't follow rules anyway. Rules are for losers.
      I'm a winner- I think.
      There is no alternative version of reality that I can think of, and I don't think much. I tend to just act. If I can't act, I plot until I can.
      I'm a rollin' ball of fear, never at rest. Can I come to your town? I promise I'll be good.
      It is getting more and more difficult for me to be me on this planet. Think I'll go elesewhere. But I can't!
      Oh well, This is my Armageddon. That's a big word. How sad, The End.
      I wonder if there is anything else.