Now Changeable

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What side of the fence am I on?

     Am I a shlub, an ordinary Joe, animalistic in nature, ruled by coarse desires, unrefined, driven by impulses, non-reflecting, greedy, needy, all of the above? Or am I magnificent in nature, refined, able, clean and clear, pure, above it all, past that, overdue for better, more, and greater things?
     And what of my fellowmen? Are they either/or but not in the middle for the middle ground seems to be disappearing now. The current trend seems to indicate that you're either gonna be first or you're stuck being last. Who wants to be last? Not me! I don't want to be subjected, but I will not subjugate. I want everybody to be happy, but what IS happiness, for me, you, them?

Martin Fennema-

     For a long, long time now, longer than this writer has been (presently) alive, there has been this belief that there IS a middle ground and that we take sides. They call it the 'human condition'. We wrestle with good and evil, they say. The angel on your shoulder, I can't remember if it's on the left one or the right one, doesn't matter, whispers "Do this, not that" into one ear while the devil, that red guy with the pitchfork, sits on the other shoulder and whispers "No, no! Do THIS, not that!" into the other ear and so we're torn. Always, we're torn. Fighting, battling, struggling, because 'it' is there, they say (we have heard, it is written) that we are driven by these two forces, which are very valid and have been confirmed by arcane scientsits, leaders, pundits, so far back in time it HAS to be true.
     Is it?

    What if we're ALL magnificent, but just don't know it yet? What if it is only distortion that lies between us and our true natures, and that distortion can be cleared up by a little understanding? The source of our beingness is not conflicted so why are we? I shall look into this this day, extensively. See if I can find evidence to the contrary.
     Nah. I've got a feeling that that would be a total waste of time. Evil may exist in some people's imaginations, they might be driven by something other than love and compassion, but that's only a temporary distortion, driven by fear. Ego rules the roost in those minds but egos don't really exist. Look it up, it's described in exquisite detail in your Course In Miracles there. What an ego knows of as 'self' is only an idea, and held up to the light of logic that idea dissipates, like a fleeting thought or a passing cloud.