Now Changeable

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In Synch

     It has come upon me lately that if I just let go of what I think should happen, and the timing of those happenings, the things that need to play out play out better. I might like what occurrs, or I might not, but when I allow them to play out at whatever pace they do there seems to be a smoothness that wasn't there before.

      Perhaps that comes from my lessened resistance to what is occurring, perhaps it is The Universe pleased at me that I have finally (mentally) shut up and stopped arguing with it. There is more at play here than just me and my needs, wants, and desires, which will be met, but ....'s almost like a mother, you know, who doesn't play favorites with her kids and everybody gets what they need but hey she's busy and there are others to attend to. Being in synch, just this day, is waiting your turn and trusting that what is unfolding is for the best. Not only for you, but for others too. This all sounds pretty non-egoic, I know.

     I haven't committed fullly to this way of living yet, I got my toes in the water about it, but it seems to work even better than when I thought I had to have my way all the damn time. Maybe this is a more elegant way to live, to get through one's days? I like to experiment, give these concepts of mine trial runs, so here goes. See what happens.