Now Changeable

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My Ringtone

     Seeing as today is my Monday, which is Friday, the day of the week that I dread, I thought a little bolstering was in order. First thing, I and my other half watched a Mooji talk, and if you don't know who Mooji is, look up 'Advaita'.
      The small self feels very cornered on Mondays, I'm talkin' about me here, trapped in time, BY time, with a vale to cross that holds who knows what. On the other side of that treacherous passage lies salvation, which is Friday, which for me will be Tuesday night.

      Helping me get through these upcoming days, and all those work days that lie ahead, will be my new ally, my ringtone, which I have carefully selected. It is the opening piano blues riff from Muddy Water's "I'm a Man" and sounds quite similar to George Thoroughgood's "Bad to the Bone". Every time I hear it, I will be transported to THAT world, THAT attitude, and it will be a good thing. I know it's not much, but, Lordy......
     ....every little bit helps.