Women own this color
When I was creating this website, along with my other half, we were debating on whether to have a background behind the logo. There was one color that made the logo stick out, and it was what I call 'Creamsicle' because it was the color of those little push-up ice cream bars I used to buy as a kid.
The computer offered up an infinite palette, or so it seemed, but I could not reproduce the color no matter what .... The best I could get was an orangeish background but that's not Creamsicle. Creamsicle has a slight pinkish hue, like some graprefruit does, but it's kind of fluorescent too, something the computer was not able to duplicate. So I gave up on putting a background around the logo.
However, once I had the issue of not being able to duplicate the color Creamsicle on the computer, I started seeing it in public everywhere. Women were wearing this color, you can spot it a mile away, and it was always women. Usually I spotted them wearing a Creamsicle shirt though they might be spotted sporting a Creamsicle jacket, headband, sweater, hat, pair of shoes, or rarely, pants. Haven't seen a dress yet. No man wears Creamsicle.
I also noticed that not only do women own Creamsicle, they also own a variety of other colors too broad to mention (something I had noticed before but this was again brought to my awareness), the loud bright colors that will never be found in a man's closet. Colors like canary yellow. Bright white. Deep red. Gold. Every shade of green. Lighter blues.
Then there are textures. Satins, sheers, fluffy, puffy, shimmering metalics, I'm going into a black hole here. Lots of choices, more than any man will ever know or have to deal with.
Ok, I digress. I think the thought of the day is once you start seeing an anomaly like the fact that women own the color Creamsicle, you can't NOT see it. Where previously it was part of the overall tapestry, it now leaps out of the background into the foreground. I suppose this seeing Creamsicle everywhere will happen for awhile with me and then I'll stop noticing it so much. Something else will capture my attention.