Now Changeable

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     I don't know why I wrote that word. Let's find out. Vindication is discovering that something that you postulated was true or valid actually turned out to be. At the time you did not know it but you felt you were moving in the right direction.

     There are many times in my life where I felt I was moving in the not so right direction but I did it anyway, feeling that, strangely enough, what I was doing was the right thing for me to be doing and that I would find out the "Why?" later, or, I would never find out the "Why?". It was something that I had to go through, something that had to be done, or something that I had agreed to. This kind of thinking comes to you when you take the turn towards being metaphysical, or getting in touch with spirit, or giving the reigns over to a higher power, whatever you want to call it, however you want to frame it.

     The strange thing about letting go is that it is asked of you more and more until you arrive at the state where I am at present, which is more steering my life by feeling than by knowing. If I put out my 'feelers' (my feeling sense) into the world, into what I 'should' be doing, doing what I am doing right now seems to be appropriate, satisfying, and completely right. Have I received a yes answer, vindication from The Universe? I believe so. It's not a "Yes!" shouted from the rooftops, it's more an inner understanding that everything is unfolding properly. After all, we're just players in a greater drama, some benevolent force or energy is orchestrating all this, and it just makes sense to finally align with it.