Doing vs. Being
This morning as I sit on the sofa thinking about the day, week, month, and even year ahead, I wonder if there is anything I need to do. You see, I’ve come to a place where I do almost nothing yet in that nothing-space everything that needs to get done is done, somehow. I don’t know how it gets done, things just line up.
Now some people might say that this is crazy, that things just don’t get done by themselves and that used to be my viewpoint years ago when I was like them, trying very, very hard to get things done all the time, 24/7, 365. But since then my thinking has switched around 360 degrees and now I sit here on my couch at home just thinking about things I want.
I don’t even know if what I do could be said to be visualizing for I don’t put that much effort into it, you know, where I picture the things I want in the finest detail. I tried that, early on, but at best the pictures I tried to visualize came out fuzzy. I had trouble conceiving of the perfect things that I wanted. It was more like a feeling of what I wanted so instead I started to concentrate on what I FELT that I wanted. In that way, The Universe could bring to me that which I really wanted but didn’t know how to visualize. Kind of a backwards way of going towards one’s objective, isn’t it?
Then, the next step, when the feeling comes upon me to take some action, I get the impulse to rise up off the sofa or whatever and perform the necessary steps that are required yet I don’t stress over it. If I am still in my feeling state (which I try to be in always) I am able to sense that the timing is right for any action to take place.
These states of mind are subtle yet persistent and no, I’m not mentally ill. Quite the contrary, I am alert as to my surroundings and acutely aware of them. The senses are heightened even, for awhile, until what needs to be done is done, the action step is completed, and I can again resume my sitting upon the couch, which nowadays could be seen as the command center of my life.