Now Changeable

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Naught Of The Day

Due to The Holidays or some other reasons, perhaps many, some of which I am aware of and some that I am not, The Mind has been quite still. 
Thought trains still occur, but they derail not long after leaving the station, leaving me trudging back to the platform to catch the next one, which- you guessed it- derails too.

“Why, it’s Christmas Day, Mr. Scrooge!”

Josh Harrison- Unsplash. com

So why fight it? It is what it is. Thought Of The Day is known to take time off arbitrarily like that because, well, because that's just the way it goes, when it's the right time it's the right time, and now is not the right time to wright did I get that right? I think I did but it doesn't matter. It's all good. 
Expect more fresh words when- er- whenever. Which just might be tomorrow. 

Until then, Happy Holidays to you and yours.