In an article I came across recently, a few famous female personalites revealed that upon hitting it big they underwent great degrees of psychological torment. I read further with keen interest, for I am always curious about what it's like to be in another's shoes, especially celebrities.
Both women had really scored. One was a supermodel, the other an actress that had starred in back-to-back hit movies.
The actress said that she went through a period where she experienced panic attacks, didn't want to make public appearances, and shuddered constantly at any hint of criticism that might be coming her way. It was the same but slightly different with the supermodel. Even though they were being photographed, interviewed, receiving heaps of praise for what they had done and being showered with invites for more work, what they heard most, what pierced the thundering chorus of good, were the voices and opinions that said that they were bad. Isn't that remarkable.
The same thing happened to me, when I was their age, in my early twenties. But it was reversed. All around me people and society was telling me that I was bad. With low opinions of themselves, for the most part, confusion about their place in the world, and hardly thinking that anyone- evidenced by the lackluster town in which I grew up- was good enough to amount to anything special, the message was that we might achieve a medicum of success but nothing on the level of the supermodel or actress. We would never be stars, super wealthy, or be deemed intelligent enough to present a respected opinion on anything. We would never be good.
Those sort of lives happened to other people in faraway places, or to people that had moved away to 'where the action was'. But, as to the latter, even if I moved few of those kind of people had ever been born where I was born so chances were slim to none that I would get there.
Despite all that naysaying, all I heard was the good. The books I was reading, the intuitives I was seeing, my inner guidance, dreams I had, and the mornings where I would wake up on some sort of natural high told me different. I only heard the good, listened for the good.
I left the place where I was born and rambled here and there, that voice for good always resounding in me, reminding me, and as I rambled I could see that people in my home town weren't the only ones affected by unworthiness. It was everywhere! People overall had a pretty low opinion about their chances for good. Yes, they were greedy, and ambitious, and all that, but none of them seemed to hold in themselves that they were innately good and powerful. Not knowing that, their way was to charge ahead and bluster, bamboozle, or overpower the world which just happened to be everybody's else's strategy too, which said tons about how they viewed themselves. Not as naturally worthy, because if they were, they would be a lot more relaxed. They would, if they understood their innate worthiness, be in the flow and trust things more. Trust in the playouts and unfolding of things. Their patience would be great, their kindness evident, their manner appreciative. This is not to say that you have to be an angel with this, you can be wild and free, but in a positive way. Live life fully, by all means.
In pursuing my understanding of this further, I saw that nearly everybody was the same in this regard. They are born good but just don't know it. Ignorance was rampant in the town and in the times where I grew up and so I set out to destroy ignorance in myself, because there was no shining light anywhere around. I could sense that intelligence was there though and somehow, through pulling on the tiniest thread, I made my way to where I am now, where I can state with firm conviction that it really is 'All Good'!
The famous women said that thoughts of going into hiding, or, in absolute desperation, finding some other way of escaping the negative voices occurred to them. They just wanted those voices turned off. Imagine that.
Voices for good will never have you thinking that. Turn them on! Introduce yourself to good common sense information that resonates with your soul. Seek it out. It exists. Find a thread and follow it. Let your journey back to wholeness commence this very day. Don’t worry about exactly how to get there because….
…following good always leads back home. Good is where you came from.