Now Changeable

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Who Dat?

Who dat thinking, judging, worried all time? Where he at? 
In body here. That's where. Somewhere inside. I go look, see if I can find him. 
I look. He not there. So where he at?
Maybe I look again. Closer. 
And still closer. He good hide. No can find. 
Me no educated, though. Maybe I read book. Book tell me. 
I read book. Still no can find. So more books I read.
Still he chatter. Like monkey. 
Maybe try process. Think outsmart him 'cuz I know he hiding in there.
Hmm.... he pretty smart. Maybe he outside, and I think he in!
I know- he here, but he invisible. 'Cuz he talk 'n I hear. 
So I no think! He go away! Ha ha!

Man of many disguises

Pierrick Van Troost-

Oop. Now he back. And he be back strong. Maybe he mad. 
I go workshop, process with master. 
He go away much longer, but still come back. Now what I do?
More I meditate. Still he there.
Hmm..... I give him name, call him ego.
He want be my friend. I say I don't need no fren' like dat!
(Sigh) He still there. Maybe I make him friend, give him room in back of house.
He like back room. Come out not so much. Help me with math and stuff, then go away. 
Very quiet now, most of time. Seem like lot more space in house.