Now Changeable

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This is a word that describes the absence of acknowledgement that other realities exist, it is commonplace in mainstream thought. 
If one reads the news, dimentia is apparent in that everything that is presented comes from the "We're the only ones here" perspective. There is no history beyond that which was written in the Good Book, and as far as science is concerned, where they postulate that humans have been here far longer than that, the blanket answer is always that those humans were more apelike than man and don't really matter. 
      Outside of the earth doesn't matter either, all that space filled with all those orbs, some hot, many cool, and with so many cool ones so far discovered, the odds that some of them could be or actually are supporting life is huge yet that too is easily downplayed. "So what? If God had wanted us to know that he would have given us craft to go there" or something like that. Doesn't matter.
Near death experiences, widely reported, are dismissed as last-gasp chemical reactions going off in the brain. Telepathy is simply coincidence. Clairvoyance is seeing hallucinations, Mediumship is being possessed, blah, blah, blah. Whatever the skill or ability, it is derided by the dimented ones, whose position regarding these subjects is "If I’m not seeing it, hearing it, or feeling it, then it doesn't exist. What others are reporting or experiencing doesn't matter (unless they can help me win the lottery, get back my lover, or land me that job, etc.)".

A messenger this way comes

Ryoji Iwata-

  Were it the other way 'round, if the mainstream media were to regularly report that all of these mysterious things were real and worth looking into, there would be a mad rush to find out but- finding out about these things comes with a price. No longer could people ignore the fact that we're all intimately connected. Oops! That kind of understanding would be very bad for egocentric people, it would be bad for business, which likes to sell people goods that only they or their family use, it would call for some tweaks to organized religion's version of what life is all about, and it would mean the end for despots. 
People (and organizations) would have to expand their worldviews and exhibit some different behaviors, for with the understanding comes the abilities- most times. There are those individuals that might have sudden, unexpected glimpses of that which exists outside of the state of dimentia, that might become aware that there are dimensions other than 3D, where time and space don't matter, and because we use fixed points like time and space to position ourselves things might get a little bit confusing for them but you tend to flicker back and forth until you get used to it. The timeframe for this adjustment process is highly variable and dependent on any individual's willingness to go further. 
    Awareness- the state other than dimentia- tends to vary in intensity. There are times when energies are strong and comprehension is clear, and times when awareness is still there but is more diffuse, less focused. It’s like being led along a path to who knows where, but at the same time being utterly compelled to continue walking. The movement away from dimentia and towards awareness is the epitome of mystery. 
    This irresistible pull towards awareness leads us to cognize that no news source, government official, or religious leader has a firm grip on ultimate reality. The world we're on is traveling through fathomless space and entering regions we haven't been in before. Who knows where we're going, or why?

So what about the economy, or politics? Something far bigger is at play outside of the state of dimentia.