Now Changeable

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THEN, as a rookie driver:

 Customer enthusiastically climbs into the back seat area of my conveyance, a lone passenger he is. "Airport- United. How are you today?" he asks. 
    I pull away from the curb. (Oh my! He really wants to know!)
    "Well, sir, it's like this. Today I woke up and have been processing some about life. Beginnings and endings. You know, when it's time to make a life change, that's big, know what I mean?"
    "Mmm... …hmm..."
    "A lot is asked of you! You have to really dig in and question your motivations concerning making changes at the macro and micro levels."
  "Ah.... …yup....."
  "So you're not going into this blind, no, you're really looking at things. Everything. Do I keep this, but not that? Life, huh? Constantly evolving, the new taking place of the old. You're like a snake shedding its skin. I know that's a rather graphic analogy, but it fits"

Going Places

Jonathan Riley-

    "Psychologically, your surroundings act as stabilizers. Your job! Think of the familiarity there. I probably spend more time at work than at home. My coworkers- hate to say it- are like a second family"
  "Yeah..... ...uh....delete!"
  "Exactly! There comes a time when you have to hit that button. You've grown and they haven't. There's a huge difference between the viewpoint of a manager versus the one an employee has. Not that I'm going into management, no, I wouldn't do that. I am thinking about transitioning into a full time food truck gig. Right now I'm doing it on the side, on weekends. I've always liked to feed and entertain people, so I researched this some before leaping in. My thing looks to be doable. I was originally going to do Cajun food, but switched over to just hot dogs and sausages. Easier. Fries on the side."
  "(Indistinguishable muffled sounds) ....mmm... not this one....."
  "Correct. Not the first concept. Cajun, I figured, was too spicy for most tastes. Middle of the road stuff serves all markets. That's what McDonalds does, you know. Nothin' too hot, nothin' too mild. Middle of the road fare"
  "Uh... where’d that go.....?'
"Excuse me?"
"Oh, there it is. You were saying...."
"Polish dogs! People love 'em. I can cook those up all day. Foot long hots are a hit with kids. Makes 'em feel like they're eating big people food, though half of 'em can't finish 'em and give the rest to Mom or Dad"
"Ahhk! You're kiddin' me!  I can't..."
"Finish this? Yeah, that's what the kids end up saying! So far I've had my truck out twelve times on the weekends. Nice little sideline but I'll tell you what- it can get hot in that thing during the day! Sometimes, when business is slow, I like to think about where my life has taken me, and how in the hell I ended up ownin' a damn food truck. You ever get philosophical like that, where you work? I'm guessin' you work in an office somewhere"
"No, no, not this....!"
"Is what you end up saying! Exactly! Not another day of this. Funny how life just passes by and you tolerate things for a long time and then one day, that's it! I'm done, you say, and you mean it."
"Uh huh...done with that......"
"Yeah! You're like, "Do they really expect me to show up here another day?" Oh shoot- here's your stop coming’ up!" (vehicle pulls to the curb. Masses of people are bustling on the walkways just outside and loudspeakers are blaring messages. Passenger looks up, startled that we've arrived so soon).
  "What?" he says. "We're here? Oh, ok!”.

I exit to get his suitcase and carry-on out of the trunk. After scrambling to gather his things in the car’s interior he climbs out and gushes apologetically. “Sorry, I wasn't really listening. I was checking my phone messages. Have a good one!”

  NOW, as a veteran driver:

Customer enthusiastically climbs into the back seat area of my conveyance, a lone passenger he is. "Airport- United. How are you today?" he asks. 

"Great! Just great. Everything’s fine”.